‘High Investment, high involvement’ workplaces in EU produce the Best outcomes for workers and employers. However, only 20% of EU organisations fall into this category.

According to European Company Survey (ECS 2019) conducted in partnership between EU Agencies, Eurofound and Cedefop, ‘high investment, high involvement’ workplaces produce the best outcomes for workers and employers.
However, only 20% of EU organisations fall into this category – pushing practices that strengthen employee autonomy.
These companies are managing to enhance performance while improving workers’ job quality, study revealed.
These companies can be found across all types of business regardless of country, size, Sector, or competitiveness strategy, but are most prevalent in Nordic countries, such as Finland and Sweden, and in Sectors known to have better working conditions, such as financial services, said the report.
The three other categories, ‘selective investment, moderate involvement’ (33%); ‘moderate investment, irregular involvement’ (27%); and ‘low investment, low involvement’ (21%) all score lower in terms of worker wellbeing and company performance, the report said.
The 4thEuropean Company Survey (ECS 2019), conducted in partnership between EU Agencies, Eurofound and Cedefop, collected information on workplace practices, human resource management, skills and development, employee participation and social dialogue from 21,869 human resources managers and 3,073 employee representatives in the 27 EU Member States and the United Kingdom during 2019, providing a timely insight into the potential resilience of companies across the EU in advance of the COVID-19 pandemic.